Wednesday 20 September 2017

How Borehole Logging Can Help Efficient Project Management

Geoscience industries like construction of highways, environmental applications, research and mining for minerals, oils, gas are generally capital-intensive. They require a massive investment in machinery and tools, labour, regulatory procedure etc. Whether it’s a government project or managed by a private entity, the aim is always to achieve maximum possible output at the minimum possible cost without compromising on quality.

Borehole logging

Here is how borehole logging can help in efficient geoscience project management: 

1) High level of productivity: Productivity in the geotechnical and geophysical industry would mean completing more work in the standard time. The borehole logging helps you discover the subsurface properties like nature of the rocks, the different geological layers, availability of underground water, existence of any radioactive materials, etc. The logs will helps you plan and manage the process better.

2) Good quality output:  The results of the borehole logging will give you a fair idea of what you could discover after excavation and also the nature of the subsurface. That will help you do a cost-benefit analysis and understand whether the exploration is even feasible or not. This way you are more likely to uncover better quality of output and you can also better plan for the processing stages.

3) Control on costs: The borehole logs help in efficient project planning. This means lower hours are lost due to unexpected situations. You would also save the costs you would incur in exploring an unfavourable area. The borehole tools can be bought or rented depending on the nature of the project and duration.

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